8 Water Feature Ideas For Your Garden

waterfall stream water feature

Are you looking for some water feature inspiration? We put together 8 different water feature ideas for your garden so you can get started.  

A well-placed water feature can transform your garden from an ordinary green space into a peaceful sanctuary that you’ll love spending time in. 

From soothing sounds to stunning visuals, water features can completely change the feeling of ones garden or yard space.

DIY Copper Pipe Water Feature

DIY Copper pipe Water feature idea for your garden.

Introduce an industrial aesthetic to your garden with a homemade copper pipe fountain. 

This garden water feature is not only visually striking but also an engaging and simple project you can do at home. If you’re a fan of this rustic elegance, this DIY copper pipe fountain could be the ideal match for your garden aesthetic.

Here’s the best part: you don’t have to be a master plumber to create this. It’s a relatively simple project involving copper pipes, a water pump, and your creativity. Arrange the pipes in any pattern you want and the water pump will simply push it through.

Imagine the gentle sound of water trickling through copper pipes, creating a soothing rhythm in your backyard. If you’re looking to add the best bang for your buck to your garden, this is definitely a great option.

Bird Bath Water Fountain

Bird bath water feature fountain

Immerse yourself in a garden full of chirping birds. This water feature not only amplifies the visual appeal of your backyard, but also brings in the delightful charm of feathered visitors.

Choose from many different bird bath styles – perhaps a traditional pedestal design for a classic garden look and feel, or maybe a sleek, modern version for a contemporary outdoor space.

Position it amongst your most vibrant flowers and woody hedges and shrubs and count how many different species of birds visit your garden.

Imagine drinking your morning coffee while looking out the window, Suddenly you spot a beautiful song bird tossing the water over its body and cleaning its feathers.

With the melody of chirping birds, and the splashing of wings against water. It’s more than just a water feature; it’s a dynamic piece of nature, right in your own backyard.

It’s worth noting that a bird bath fountain is better than a stagnate, still bird bath because the water will stay cleaner, and the birds can more easily cover themselves in water. We found a good bird bath fountain here.

Vertical Water Fall Fountain

Do you have a smaller outdoor space but still yearn for the soothing sound and visual appeal of a water feature? Worry not, vertical water fountains are a great option for small spaces.

Not only do vertical water fountains bring a sense of tranquility with the gentle flow of water, but they also effectively utilize vertical spaces, which is perfect if you don’t have much space to work with.

Vertical water fountains are easy, and don’t require a large body of water to function. They are compact, easy to maintain and don’t demand much in terms of water usage. 

This makes them ideal for small spaces like apartment balconies and smaller garden spaces.

Transforming and utilizing an empty vertical space and turning into a centrepiece vertical water fountain can be very rewarding.

Watering Can Fountain

watering can fountain

If you appreciate the look of an old age garden, a watering can fountain could be the perfect addition. It’s a charming idea that really ads some interest to an everyday garden.

The best part is you can purchase one new, or you can build one yourself with simple materials and tools. 

You’ll just need a basic watering can, a small bucket to act as the reservoir, and a pump to circulate the water.

Whether your building a vintage-style watering can from used materials, or buying a new one, this water feature can really tie an empty portion of the garden together. 

You also have an unlimited amount of flexibility with this water feature. 

You could nestle it next to your flowers in a densely planted garden, place it the seating area on your backyard deck or living space, or placed in the front yard as a peaceful greeting next to the front door.

Rock & Boulder Water Features

Bubbling rock water fountain

Perfect for those seeking a sense of serenity and natural allure, these water features blend effortlessly into any garden setting. 

The shape and texture your selection of rocks can resemble look and sound of a mountain stream, or a rocky river right in the comfort of your own garden.

You could opt for a large, towering boulder with water cascading down its rugged surface, creating a soothing sound that mimics a natural water feature.

Or perhaps you prefer a collection of smooth, round river rocks, with water gently bubbling up from beneath like a natural spring fed lake or stream. 

The beauty of bubbling rock water fountains is their adaptability. You could even go for a very modern polished look by using carved and angular decretive stones, complimented with flower pots and crushed stone. 

The flexibility with this design makes the possibilities endless, although you may need help with placing your large rocks in the perfect spot and assembling the rest of the water feature.

Spouting Statues Water Features

Spouting water fountain

Looking to inject an artistic flair into your garden landscape? 

A spouting statue is an extraordinary choice. From timeless Greek gods to abstract modern art, these remarkable pieces are visually stunning sculptures that set a dynamic and interesting appeal that you don’t get from any other water features.

Picture this: A statue of Poseidon in your garden, water majestically spurting from his trident. Or perhaps a delicate fairy, with water cascading from her outstretched hands. 

Every single drop of water adds life and movement to these statues, making them an eye-catching focal point.

Even more captivating is the soothing sound of water spouting from the statue. It’s a symphony of nature and art, creating a unique harmony that enhances the tranquility of your garden. 

These statues provide a visual spectacle and a therapeutic acoustic  experience, both at once.

You could place these statues in the centre of your garden, surrounded by lush greenery, or near a garden bench where you can sit and marvel at its beauty. 

The placement can dramatically enhance the overall ambience of your garden, turning it into a peaceful haven.

The beauty of spouting statues is their ability to produce emotion and reflect your personality.

Bubbling Vase Water Features

These water fountains create a delightful spectacle of dancing water bubbles that can capture the imagination of both adults and children. 

Consider the charm a bubble fountain can bring to your garden. The sight and sound of bubbling water can set a joyful relaxed tone. 

If you desire a water feature that is safe and interactive for kids, bubble fountains are the way to go. 

You could opt for a simple stone basin design for a minimalist look or a colourful ceramic vessel for a vibrant feel. 

You could even incorporate LED lights to make it a mesmerizing night-time spectacle.

A bubble fountain is more than just a water feature. It’s a piece of interactive art that can foster fun, joy, and tranquility in your outdoor space. 

This could be the unique element that transforms your garden into a vibrant and joyful sanctuary.

Waterfall Streams

stream water feature

Is your garden blessed with a slope or incline? If so, consider capitalizing on this natural asset with a stunning waterfall stream. 

Transforming your yards natural slope into a cascading waterfall feature can create a calendar photo looking scene right in your back yard.

This water feature not only complements the natural hills and slopes of your yard, but also adds a great deal of interest and depth.

Just imagine walking alongside the stream, following its course, and you spot a small frog soaking in the cool stream on a hot summer day. 

Stream water fountains can attract many species of wildlife, including cats, birds, deer, and more critters.

It’s like having your very own little ecosystem in your back yard

Recommended Pump For DIY Water Features

In case your consider building a water feature yourself, heres our recommended pump we liked the most.

pump for water fountain
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