Beautifully Maintained Hedges, Shrubs, & Trees In Sarnia

Can't Maintain Your Hedges And Shrubs? Let Us Handel Your Trimming.

No More Blocked Windows And Pathways Due To Overgrown Hedges And Shrubs

The only Trimming Service in Sarnia that stays connected with you on a personal level. Reach us anytime through our customer email

How Dose LambtonLawn's Hedge & ShrubTrimming Service Work?

Starting With An In-Person Estimate

We take a good look at the large plants on your property that need trimming and create a plan to take care of it. 

Our knowledge and experience ensures your ornamental trees, hedges and shrub are maintained perfectly.

LambtonLawn Hedge and Shrub management service in Sarnia is a fast and easy way to address your overgrow shrubs quickly and easily. Get and estimate and get added to the schedule today!

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