How To Keep Squirrels Out Of My Garden

how to keep squirrels out of garden, Deter Squirrels from my garden

If you want to deter squirrels from your yard and stop them from eating your garden, we must implement multiple different methods of deterring them together.

Whether you’re an experienced horticulturist or a gardening newbie, it can be disheartening to watch squirrels destroy the garden you put so much time and effort into.

Behind their adorable disguise, these creatures can cause considerable chaos in our green spaces. Their tendency to snack on fruits, blossoms, and especially our cherished tomatoes can pose a significant problem when your trying to grow food, or make your yard presentable.

So, what are the strategies to deter squirrels from the garden and protect our treasured plants? Let’s examine some organic, environment-friendly techniques that encourage peaceful cohabitation with wildlife, while preserving the allure of our outdoor environments.

Understanding Why Squirrel Love Your Yard

how to keep squirrels away naturally

Gaining insight into the motivations behind the squirrel invasion in your garden is a crucial step in creating effective strategies for deterring them.

Squirrels are largely opportunistic when it comes to feeding. With diets largely composed of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, these animals find gardens to be an irresistible buffet offering a variety of their favourite foods.

Therefore, it is the readily available food supply that primarily lures them into your garden. Understanding this critical aspect of their behaviour can significantly assist in formulating effective strategies for squirrel deterrent.

It’s not just about keeping these critters at bay, but also about implementing measures that curb their interest away from your garden, thus making the task of getting rid of squirrels more achievable.

To understand how to keep squirrels away and out of your garden, you first need to comprehend why your outdoor space is so attractive to them in the first place. By doing so, you can strategically plan and execute measures that not only deter these furry invaders but also maintain the ecological balance of your outdoor space.

How To Keep Squirrels Away Naturally

Deter squirrels away from your garden, how to keep squirrels away naturally

When considering eco-friendly solutions to your squirrel problem, modifying the squirrels’ feeding habits can be a practical starting point.

Creating a designated feeding station stocked with their preferred foods, such as corn or sunflower seeds, can help divert their attention away from your garden.

Create a feeding area at a safe distance from your green spaces, serving as a distraction that reduces their need to burrow into your plant beds. This way, you not only deter squirrels from doing damage, but also cater to their dietary needs in a more controlled setting.

This may seem counter intuitive, but the reasoning is simple. There is no way to stop squirrels from coming into the yard, we can only curve their interests away from the garden. A feeding station away from the garden is a good start.

Incorporating Physical Barriers To Deter Squirrels From Your Garden

deter squirrels from your garden with a squirrel barrier

One effective strategy for keeping squirrels at bay is the installation of physical squirrel barriers around your garden.

Physical barriers can act as formidable obstacles, making it difficult for squirrels to infiltrate your precious green space and wreak havoc.

The idea here is not to harm or stress the squirrels, but rather to make it inconvenient for them to access your garden, thus leading them to search for food elsewhere, such as a feeding station at the opposite side of the property.

Wire mesh or netting serves as an excellent deterrent when placed around your garden beds. The mesh should be firmly anchored into the ground and extend a reasonable height above it to deter the the squirrels from climbing. The sight of an inaccessible garden can discourage squirrels from digging and munching on your plants.

deter squirrels and birds from your garden with a squirrel barrier

Raised plant beds, encased in a sturdy frame and covered with a secure lid, can also serve as an excellent deterrent. This setup can significantly discourage squirrels from attempting to breach your garden fortress.

Implementing physical barriers as part of your garden design can go a long way in maintaining a squirrel-free space. While these measures require an initial investment of time and resources, they provide a long-term solution to keep your garden protected from squirrels.

Moreover, this approach is humane and does not harm the squirrels or the environment, making it an ideal choice for environmentally conscious gardeners.

Keep Bird Feeders Away From Your Garden

Everyone knows that bird feeders are squirrel magnets. If you want to deter squirrels from eating and digging in your garden, we strongly suggest keeping these feeders far away.

Even if the feeders are so called “Squirrel proof” That wont stop the squirrels from showing interest, and worse, they may give up on the feeder and go straight for the garden.

Better have a squirrels eating from a far away bird feeder than your tended garden right?

Using Plants as Natural Squirrel Repellents

deter squirrels from your garden with a squirrel repellent plants

Integrating squirrel repellent plants into your garden design is a green and effective method to deter these creatures. Some plants emit fragrances or contain substances that squirrels find unpleasant.

By strategically planting these varieties, you can create a scent barrier that discourages squirrels from venturing into your garden.

Among the plant varieties that squirrels typically avoid are daffodils, hyacinths, and alliums. Not only are these flowers beautiful, adding a pop of colour to your garden, but they also double as natural squirrel repellents.

The use of these plants can be implemented in several ways for maximum effectiveness.

One way is to plant them around the perimeter of your garden, creating a natural scent-based barrier that wards off the squirrels. You can also incorporate squirrel repelling plants among your other vegetables and flowers. This way, the scent is distributed throughout the garden, offering wide-ranging protection.

It’s not only about the smells, though. Some plants also contain compounds that squirrels find distasteful.

For instance, planting varieties such as crown imperials, which have a strong musky odor, can repel squirrels. Similarly, bitter-tasting plants, such as rue and marigolds, are also less appealing to squirrels and may help deterring them.

Lastly, consider planting hot peppers. Squirrels dislike capsaicin, a compound that gives peppers their heat. Therefore, incorporating hot pepper plants into your garden can be a useful strategy to deter squirrels.

Hot pepper deter squirrels from eating your garden

Keep in mind that each garden and squirrel population is unique. What works in one garden might not work in another.

It’s all about trying different plants and strategies to see what works best in your specific situation. It’s through this process of trial and error that you’ll be able to find the most effective squirrel deterrent for your garden. With patience and persistence, a peaceful coexistence with squirrels in your outdoor space is possible.

Scare Tactics To Deter Squirrels From The Garden

The use of scare tactics is another strategy to consider in your mission to deter squirrels from your garden.

These non-harmful methods are designed to startle the squirrels without causing them any physical harm, making them rethink their decision to invade your outdoor space.

Among these tactics are motion-activated sprinklers. These devices work by spraying a burst of water when they detect movement in their vicinity. The sudden spray of water can frighten the squirrels, making them skittish about venturing into your garden. Plus, as a bonus, you’re also watering your garden in the process.

Next are ultrasonic repellents, another effective scare tactic. These gadgets emit high-frequency sound waves that are unpleasant to squirrels but inaudible to humans. The discomforting sound is designed to drive squirrels away from your garden without causing any harm.

Sounds can deter squirrels from eating your garden

Garden spinners can also be a visually disconcerting deterrent for squirrels.

These bright, spinning objects can startle and confuse squirrels, discouraging them from hanging around your garden. Moreover, the constant movement of these spinners can keep squirrels on edge, making them feel less safe and comfortable in your garden.

Implementing these scare tactics can be an efficient part of your strategy to ward off squirrels. However, it is crucial to remember that these methods work best when used in combination with other approaches discussed in previous sections.

Combine Different Methods To Deter Squirrels From Gardens

As you deploy these tactics, always bear in mind that the objective is not to harm the squirrels or disrupt their natural behaviour, but to safeguard your garden from their foraging.

To successfully deter squirrels from eating your garden, you must incorporate multiple methods of getter on their nerves to effectively deter them.


    • Provide a designated feeding station away from the garden.

    • Build physical barriers to deter squirrels from the garden.

    • Keep bird feeders away from the garden.

    • Plant many squirrel deterring plants that squirrels don’t like.

    • Incorporate diffrent scare tactics.

The goal is to maintain a squirrel-proof garden that flourishes, without impacting the surrounding wildlife adversely. Let’s strive for a harmonious balance between our love for gardening and respect for nature.

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