Landscaping In Sarnia

Letting the quality of our work speak for itself. 

What Services Does LambtonLawn Offer?

Landscaping In Sarnia: Services We Provide

Lawn Mowing

Sharp edging, beautiful patterns, line trimming to perfection.

Garden Mantenance

Removing weeds, Trimming plants, edging and mulch installs

Hedge & Shrub

Pruning, trimming and shaping ornamentals

Property Clean-Up

Restoring overgrown yards, collecting and disposal of yard waste

New Services Coming Soon!

Gutter & Roof Cleaning

We make it easy to do tricky jobs like cleaning moss and debris off your roofs, and unclogging gutters.

Grass Painting

Fix any dead spots or even cure a brown lawn in hours with our 3 month lasting lawn paint treatment! 


Guy 1 Designation


Guy 2 Designation


Guy 3 Designation
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